Part of preparing for college is understanding the avenues available to help you cover the cost of attendance. While every college and university navigates cost, scholarships and financial aid a little differently, the basics are the same.
Cost of Attendance
Expenses that you should plan to encounter during your time studying at Nebraska.
Billed by the University
Not Billed by the University
Scholarships & Aid
Financial assistance to reduce your overall cost of attendance.
96% of first-year students are offered a scholarship or grant to attend Nebraska.*
University Scholarships
Awards offered by the university. At Nebraska, we offer scholarships for academic achievement, leadership and service. You do not need to pay these back.
External Scholarships
Scholarships you've earned through outside agencies to cover your cost of attendance at Nebraska.
Financial Aid Grants
Awards based on financial need offered by state and federal sources, other organizations or the university. You must file the FAFSA Form to gain eligibility; you do not need to pay these back.
Net Price of Attendance
The price you pay after subtracting scholarships and financial aid from tuition, fees, housing and food, books, transportation and personal expenses. Estimate your total cost of attendance with the Net Price Calculator provided by the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid.
Husker Hub
Student Services Center
Husker Hub is Nebraska’s “one stop” for you to get assistance with the FAFSA Form, scholarships, grants, loans and more. Our Husker Hub full-time student services specialists are available remotely Monday-Friday through a Virtual Queue to help answer all of your questions about paying for college.
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