The Campus Visits team will confirm within five business days.
We will provide tickets for you to enjoy lunch on campus, an invoice will be sent post visit.
Online registration is limited to groups of 75 students or fewer. If your group is larger than 75, please contact us at or 402-472-2023 to schedule your visit.
Please have a 1 to 10 chaperone to student ratio.
To assist with the transfer experience, the Office of Admissions team and Academic Advising Community would like to meet with students based on academic interest to discuss transferring credit.
Please indicate the number of students interested in transferring to the following colleges:
Anyone who requires reasonable accommodation such as interpreters, transcribers, assistive listening devices, special seating, or accessible media, please contact the Office of Admissions at 402-472-2023 or at least two weeks prior to the event to discuss arrangements. We are committed to providing reasonable accommodation to all individuals with disabilities attending any conference or meeting at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.