Admitted Student Day

2025 Admitted Student Day

Saturday, March 29, 2025

UNL flag team performing at memorial stadium
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Until Admitted Student Day!

Welcome, Huskers!

Your wait is over. At Nebraska, you'll connect with new people, ideas and experiences. From day one, Huskers build relationships with faculty and peers collaborating to create new knowledge and move the future forward.

Nebraska's Admitted Student Day is an exclusive event reserved for students admitted to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and their families. This is your can't-miss opportunity to get important info, explore campus, meet with staff from your academic college, ask your need-to-know questions and celebrate new beginnings with your future classmates!

Please note this event is not New Student Enrollment–the required orientation, advising and course enrollment process for all new students. New Student Enrollment reservations open on May 2 for students with a submitted enrollment deposit. If you have questions about orientation or enrollment, contact or 402-472-4646.

Registration for this event is closed.

We encourage Fall 2025 admitted students not registered for this event to explore all available visit opportunities in April and May.

What to Expect

Explore Your Academic Life

Gain a better understanding of your academic experience at Nebraska by meeting with university staff and current students in your admit college!

Connect With Resources

Learn more about the on-campus resources here to support you, like Housing/Dining, Fraternity and Sorority Life, Husker Hub (your "one stop" for help with scholarships, financial aid, the FAFSA Form and more) and New Student Enrollment (the required summer program for new students, which includes orientation, academic advising and course enrollment).

Get Comfortable on Campus

While you explore, you'll scope out places to relax, study and eat! Get a peek at the Campus Recreation Center, Love Library, residence halls and unions on City and East campuses.

Meet Your Future Classmates

Throughout the day, you'll get the chance to meet other future Huskers before your first year on campus!

Event Schedule Overview

Time Activity Location
9 a.m.


Van Brunt Visitors Center
10–10:30 a.m.


11 a.m.–3 p.m.

College Open Houses

City Campus | East Campus


City Campus | East Campus

Campus, Residence Hall, Recreation Center and Chapter House Tours

City Campus | East Campus

Information Sessions

City Campus

Interactive Engagements

City Campus

Parking & Drop-off

Parking is available at the Larson Building (1317 Q Street), Que Place (1111 Q Street) and University Square Garage (101 N 14th Street) parking garages. No need to pay—your parking will be validated at check-in.

Planning Your Trip to Lincoln

Find information on how to get to Lincoln and options on where to stay while in town. Husker Preferred Hotels offer special discounts to Office of Admissions campus visitors. Learn more about visiting Lincoln.

Plan Your Trip